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Brick wall with McDonald symbol
Blogs and news

Will working at McDonald’s “develop your skills”?

March 15, 2024
This bus shelter poster was seen in Amsterdam a few months ago. It shows a group of young…
Blogs and news

Commensurating Artistry: Notes from a train conversation with a pianist

January 11, 2023
In early-morning darkness, on the train between two European cities, I find myself sitting next to a man,…
Blogs and news

What’s your work? The 10 most common jobs for workers with general and vocational education in Europe

November 29, 2022
On the labor market, workers are commonly distinguished based on their educational qualification. Education plays a crucial role…
Blogs and news

The story behind the logo: The late-career penalty

November 25, 2022
How would you symbolize a career trajectory? Maybe you’re thinking about a ladder – the climb up, within…
Blogs and news

Is there a pilot on board? Technology and the labour market

March 15, 2024
Analysing changing labour markets is a key component of the CAREER project. Looking at the evolution of work…